The latest trends in accounting, banking & finance,
entrepreneurship, and business management universities. Written by college
students, entrepreneurs, and professors.

11 Examples of Needs Versus Wants in Personal Finance (Tips for Filipino Students)
In today's world, filled with ads and social media, it's important to tell the difference between what we need and...

How To Save Money: 29 Tips For Filipino Students 2023
Being a Filipino student can be expensive, but with the right planning and strategies in place, you can learn how...

What is a Journal Entry in Accounting (Filipino Student’s Ultimate Guide)
A journal entry is a record of every transaction that takes place within an accounting system. It is the end...

6 Proven Steps To Create An Accrual Accounting System That Works For Your Business
In this article, we will be talking about the basics of accrual accounting and how it can help your business....

Comprehensive Guide To Financial Statement Analysis In Accounting: What To Look For And How To Interpret It
In this article, we will be breaking down the financial statement in accounting analysis and how to interpret it. What...

Banking and Finance as a Course in the Philippines
Banking and finance are two of the most important subjects to study if you want to be a successful entrepreneur....

What is The Cost of Goods Sold (Basic Accounting)
The "Cost of Goods Sold" is a very important accounting concept. What is the Cost of Goods Sold? How to...

12 Essential Soft Skills For Accountants in the Philippines
If you are a Filipino accountant, you need to read this! These are the top 12 tips for developing excellent...

Common Accounting Liabilities: 11 Tips For Beginners
So you've decided to incorporate your business. Congratulations! But before you do, you need to make sure you don't incur...

Is Account Receivable Credit or Debit? Student Hacks
Many accountancy students are asking questions if an account receivable credit or debit. Accounts receivable and accounts payable are two...

Preparing A Financial Statement Like A Pro: Ultimate Guide
A financial statement is a document that summarizes the financial activities of a company in a certain period. It is...

Accounting Finance Terms: Ultimate Guide For Students
As a student of accounting, finance, or business management, you need to be familiar with a variety of terms to...

Accounting Equation: 19 Tips For Accountancy Students
In this article, we will discuss the formula for the accounting equation. We will also provide some tips on how...

Accounting For Managers to Make Accurate Financial Decisions
To make accurate financial decisions, managers must be able to understand and use accounting information. Accounting for managers is the...

Accounting Courses in the Philippines: Ultimate Guide for Filipino Students
Here's everything you need to know about pursuing accounting courses in the Philippines. Did you know that 46% of the...

7 Study Habits of Successful Accounting Students
Are you struggling to keep up with your schoolwork? We’ve collected the best tips from successful students. Learn how to study...

How to Stick To Your 30-Day Budget: Simple Tips for Singaporeans
There’s no way to be successful if you don’t have a plan in Singapore. And that plan should include figuring...

12 Tips on How to Pass the CPA Licensure Exam in the Philippines
If you are looking for a way to pass the CPA board exam in the Philippines, you have come to...

The Secrets to Passing the CPA Board Exam in the Philippines
The CPA Board Exam in the Philippines (also known as CPA Licensure Exam or CPALE) is a challenging test that...

How to Write a Killer Resume for a Fresh Graduate Accountant
Here are several tips for a fresh graduate accountant with video, examples, and a list of best online resume builders....